Robert Schwartz Quotes
While I appreciate the evident enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and other creative ventures implied in this quotation by Mr. Schwartz, in my own experience, I have rarely seen exactly how to make what I visualize happen. What is more common for me is to visualize something not all that clearly, and then do something that is immediately evident which moves the idea forward and towards physical manifestation. Once engaged in this process, I experience the clarity of the vision increasing at the same time as the ways of implementing the vision gradually reveal themselves. It is the farthest thing from being exact.
Image: Photo of writer Robert Schwartz
“The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and an actualizer. He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen.”
“The love that you give another is what knits the wounds of the world.”
“Your contribution is not so much what you do as who you are. It is your awareness that makes the difference.”
“Each leaf that falls from a tree, each blade of grass that bends in the wind … nothing happens by chance, and all is in divine order. Always.”
“Judgments are thoughts, and thoughts are living, moving energy. Because energy attracts like energy, judgment attracts judgmental people. The world is a mirror in which we glimpse ourselves. If there are judgmental people around us, it may be that life is asking us to examine our own willingness or tendency to judge.”
– Robert Schwartz