Phil Bolsta established himself as a credible source of spiritual insight and wisdom with the publication of “Sixty Seconds: One Moment Changes Everything,” The profiles featured in “Sixty Seconds” are well-known names from every field imaginable—entertainment, journalism, politics, spirituality, personal growth, arts, sports, medicine, business, social science and more. These storytellers include Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Caroline Myss, and Joan Borysenko. The spiritual awakenings shared by these prominent figures prove that life-altering experiences can happen to anyone, regardless of spiritual beliefs.
His new book, “Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World,” is the culmination of eighteen years of study, research, and reflection. It is unique in two fundamental ways. First, it is the only book that presents a vast array of spiritual principles in an elegant, engaging format that shows how all these concepts interact, how to weave them together into a cohesive worldview, and how to practically apply this spiritual wisdom to daily life. Second, its inventive format alternates illuminating comments with inspiring quotes that support, build upon, and flow into each other to convey penetrating insights into the meaning and purpose of life and the vastness of human potential. Phil lives in Encinitas, California.
“Choose fear, and peace remains a stranger. Choose love, and peace gathers you tenderly in its arms.”
“Those who caution you not to risk too much or reach too high do not know, as you do, that yours was not meant to be an ordinary life.”
“The gates of wisdom will forever remain locked and bolted to those who brashly assume that only they have been issued the key.”
“Seek to find beauty in everything you look at and you will find it. Invite beauty into your life and your life becomes more beautiful.”
“The more you consciously practice kindness, the more you unconsciously become kinder.”
“Welcome your mistakes. They remind you that perfection is an unreasonable goal and that humility is a necessary portal to enlightenment.”
“How you feel about a challenge depends on how you choose to deal with it. You can call upon the best in you, or let it get the best of you.”
“Admiration is the cornerstone of a lifelong love affair. In the absence of admiration, desire and passion grow ever more hollow.”
“Trying to corner the market on truth is like trying to wrap your arms around the wind; there will always be more beyond your grasp than within it.”
“Expecting to find happiness in external conditions is like expecting to grasp a sparkling jewel by reaching into the mirror that reflects it.”