Alan Ball Quotes
The screenwriter Alan Ball won an Academy Award in 1999 for the movie American Beauty. He also wrote the fascinating HBO series ‘Six Feet Under’. Alan Ball studied theater at Florida State University but did not graduate.
Image: Photo Alan Ball, screenwriter, actor, and director
“It’s a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself. Makes you wonder what else you can do that you’ve forgotten about.”
“I’m not a believer in luck, but I do believe you need it.”
“I would say try to tell stories that you care about as opposed to stories that you think will sell.”
“I really love storytelling, and I love the stories as they reveal themselves. It’s an incredibly nourishing process; it’s probably the closest I come to having a religion.”
“Happy relationships are boring. We all want them in our own life. But I don’t want to watch them on TV.”
– Alan Ball (1956- )