Business Consulting & Career Coaching

Career Coaching & Business Consulting
The most common reason people like you seek me out for career guidance, life coaching, and workplace consulting in Minnesota, is to gain confidence in choosing a new career. I'll look forward to hearing about your background, career possibilities, and ideas of how you might move towards your new career. You may also ask us about the services that could benefit you most in achieving your goals as well as their costs.
These discussions include exploring your innate preferences, unique abilities, and career aspirations. We do this through reliable and valid assessments as well as having a detailed career guidance exploration. Please call or email if you wish to schedule an appointment to answer your questions about vocational career planning and counseling.
How Career Counseling Helps Women Advance Their Careers
Almost all working women want to advance their careers, but what sets successful women apart? Often, the key to career advancement can be as simple as a well-laid plan. But first, it's crucial to know what type of work capitalizes on your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses.
At the same time, it's critical to have a career that allows you to enjoy a healthy work-life balance. More often than not, women wind up juggling full-time jobs with household responsibilities, unfairly taking on more than their fair share of household duties and the mental work of planning for their partners and children.

Your Best Career: Why Myers-Briggs® & Strong Interest® Assessments?
To move forward into a new career, you must have the best possible information so that your decisions are sound. Exploring career options online or near you in the MSP metro & Central Minnesota areas is only a part of career and job search; career assessments help you explore your internal process so your new career best suits you. Self-analysis is critical to finding engaging work that is a productive match for you.
I provide state-of-art assessment tools and consulting services to help you match your preferences, strengths, passions, abilities, and skills with career opportunities. Please don't hesitate to text or call 320-223-9481 or email me to ask any questions about the Myers-Briggs Type II Indicator (MBTI) or Strong Interest Inventory® (SII).
As a certified MBTI® Master Practitioner and certified Strong Interest Inventory® Practitioner, I have found these assessments to be of real benefit to my clients. Whether they're looking for a career change, deciding what to study in their college careers, or to simply have a happier work or personal life, the assessments are a vital tool.
The Wand Chooses The Wizard: Insights Into Changing Careers To Deepen Personal Fulfillment Ebook
Now, what might Harry Potter have to do with careers? Well, lately I have been thinking that one’s work can be thought of in much the same way the old man spoke about Harry’s wand. For it seems to me that when one’s work is fulfilling over time, it becomes a way one makes magic in the world. It is a well-fitted wand, so to speak.
Further, I have noticed that the life stories of those most rewarded by their work often reveal that their work chose them about as much as they chose it. This has been especially evident in my conversations with successful career changers. From these individuals, I have heard repeatedly about what seemed like a magnetic force that pulled them in the direction of their new work.
They seemed to be guided toward it by an internal compass connected to their origins, to legacies absorbed up through their roots. These usually were the legacies of their childhood enthusiasms, passions, and talents, as well as family sagas, both tragic and triumphant, that cascaded down the generations touching the lives of all below.